Thursday, July 23, 2009

A few musings from a new Kiwi. . .

Yes. . . Finally Laura has made her first post. It has been quite the whirlwind that brings me to the present: Jesse's homecoming, my graduation, our wedding, and the move to New Zealand. It was all great fun and a great adventure! I am glad to have it all behind us and to be able to finally settle down into some normalacy after months of planning for our wedding and Jesse being gone in New Zealand. I am really enjoying being married, and New Zealand thus far has been great. Jesse and I are still meeting people and getting adjusted to the culture. I have still have a hard time understanding some of their sayings or even following a conversation between two Kiwis. One of example is that people here call clothes' pins: pegs. In a conversation it sounds like they are saying pigs. Jesse and I were so confused, why were they hanging pigs on the line? We had to ask what they were saying. It is so interesting that even though we theoretically we both speak English; I really feel like we speak two different languages.

I am still getting used to the food here. Their dairy is a little different here which makes my breakfast eating habits to a different level. I am not used to the taste of their milk, cottage cheese, butter, ice cream, and cream cheese. Everything is a little a creamier and maybe a bit richer. It makes for a different aftertaste than what I am used to. It is not a bad thing just a little different. Sandwich meat here is more expensive especially turkey which is what I am used to eating. Turkey is just too expensive to buy, $20 US dollars per kilogram. Hence my bird food, as my family and friends lovingly call it, has taken on a different variety then in the States. Don’t worry I am still getting my daily intake of popcorn ;-).

I have been trying some of the food that is known to New Zealand. Wikipedia calls “certain items and icons from New Zealand's cultural heritage” kiwiana. There are some things that I have eaten and have that are kiwiana. The list includes chocolate fish, L&P, kiwifruit (both green and yellow), marmite (I thought it tasted terrible. I will take Nutella over marmite any day.) and ginger beer. I have eaten a Kiwiburger which is a hamburger but with a beetroot. Jesse owns a pair of gumboots. I have a pair of Paua earrings. If you want a more extensive list of kiwianas look at the website:

The New Zealand scenery is gorgeous. It is the middle of winter and everything is so green. I like the green all year round, but I am not sure that I like that it rains all the time. I can never get my laundry dry (we do not have a dryer so everything has to be lined dried). The other cool thing about all the rain is that everyone in New Zealand uses for their water. We get enough rainfall to supply all the water (the other reason is there is not many people here either). This flatlander is not used to getting to see mountains in the background of her backyard. I am also not used to the winding roads that go up and down hills/mountains, neither is my stomach. Why can’t people just have square miles like the smart people in Northwest Ohio?

Jesse and I have been on a few winter excursions. We will be sure to blog about them soon with a few pictures! Till next time. . . Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to here you made it safely to New Zealand and are getting settled. Our summer has been caotic. I will have to e-mail you and share the details. I will also e-mail you the website so you can see the Puppy I hope to get from the next litter the breeder has. We have High Speed Internet now. Our Skype account is under my Name.

    Hope to have a chance to talk to you sometime soon. You both Take care.
