Observation #1- Christmas in New Zealand will be snow-less!
People are putting their skis away and getting out their summer recreational gear. Laura is trying to talk me into getting a palm tree instead of a pine tree to decorate....she hasn't made much progress yet.
So you've probably picked up that we won't be home for Christmas this year which leaves Laura and I very, very sad. Lately we've been thinking about this season and all the rich traditions we have back home with our families and how we will soon be missing out on possibly one of the best holidays of all.....Thanksgiving!
Observation #2- Thanksgiving is a North American tradition (yes your maple leaf friends to the north also celebrate).
So, no paid leave to reminisce on the festive mood or delight in the delicacies or to celebrate history....just another Thursday at work. So Laura and I are helping to organize a Saturday Thanksgiving anyhow with some of our work friends. On the menu- Turkey, stuffing, green bean caserole (the official state casserole of Ohio btw), mashed potatoes, and a veggie/cheese platter. As we compiled our list of things we automatically started altering recipes because there are no french fried onions in a can....come to think of it, I haven't seen turkeys in the grocery store either!!!!
Next observation- The US is a consumer nation, New Zealand is a producer nation
With just over 4 million people, and a moderate GDP, NZ isn't the kind of market that multi-nationals rely on. The US on the other hand....well that one is a different story.
This year the New Zealand Dairy herd just made a huge step in technology when AgResearch (my colleague Vish) imported the equipment to sort semen for insemination. Some farmers won't be convinced at $60 additional per straw. But really! just now! Seems to me that this is long overdue. Last week Fonterra (the large dairy co-op here) raised their forecast payout and on that new the Kiwi dollar jumped 2 cents! (So you see why New Zealand is a producer nation)
Come to think of it, we even have to borrow our news from the US. Today, front page of the New Zealand Herald- Obama begging the Chinese to let their currency appreciate as market forces should do so that the US can export more.....perhaps he should be fixing our monetary problem instead of pleading for their help.
Final observation- The atmosphere is thinner here!
The sun stings! A few brief moments outside in the full sun will leave its mark quickly on your skin. Nothing like I've experienced before. It actually stings your skin! I guess the hole in the Ozone is shrinking, but I growing fond of the warmpth, so keep using your aerosol cans in moderation.
Final, final observation- the shorts that Kiwi men wear are way, way too short!!!! enough said
more scraps of New Zealand vocab:
togs = swimming trunk
jumper = any outer layer shirt like a fleece or a sweater, men or women (I felt somewhat threatened when I received comments on my new jumper (merino wool, icebreaker, very nice)that Laura got me....glad I worked that one out).
Singlet = sleeveless shirt, undershirt (among white trash a.k.a. wife beaters)
Tank tops are something different. I'll have to ask Laura.
Well, I hope you don't mind the randomness and the un-p.c. statements, feel free to comment!
One last thing. I'm really concerned about America's future given the current monetary policy, rampant government spending and failed economic stimulus.
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